Omega 3 fatty acids especially Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are very important for your dog. As they are not naturally synthesized by mammals, they must be sourced externally. Salmon oil is rich in these nutrients and easy to ingest, making it an ideal supplement for your Buddy.
What are Omega 3’s good for?
Note - the info for this post has been taken from various online sources, crosschecking with Wikipedia and use of the baloney meter.
Various nutritional benefits are claimed for Omega 3’s. Some are true. Some are a bit more inconclusive. Nonetheless, I personally feel great after consuming salmon.
The more definite - DHA is a candidate for an essential nutrient for nervous system development, thinking, and preventing neural disease.
There is evidence for anti-inflammatory properties in Omega 3’s. This can help battle arthritis in older dogs, as well as ease skin allergies and a host of other symptoms. Side note- anti-inflammation is also linked to fighting depression. Which is awesome. Because depression sucks.
As far as cardiovascular disease, it has been shown to lower blood pressure and assist with circulation.
As important structural components healthy cell membranes Omega 3’s are vital for maintaining normal skin structure and function. Salmon oil can minimize shedding add moisture to the skin and give your dog that shiny, healthy skin and coat.
At Buddy’s Best, we are dedicated to healthy products. Buddy’s Best uses certified sustainably wild-caught and GMO-free salmon to create our high-quality Omega-3 rich salmon oil.